Family Study Guide for Romans 4
(Read Romans 3 Online)
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Reflections on Romans 4 by Ron Fay, Former Quizzer (& Doctoral Student in N.T. Greek)
After every major sporting event, the cameras invariably end up focusing on the one hero of the game. Typically, the question asked by the oh-so-creative reporter is something along the lines of “how does it feel to be the hero of the game?” The stereotyped response quickly follows, “I just want to thank my teammates for helping us win the game.” Is this a case of false humility or a case of someone who knows what he is talking about?
Paul makes it clear that nobody makes it alone, that the only way to salvation is through God alone. God is the team we rely upon, God is the only source of our faith, of our strength. He gives us signs to see if we are among His people, usually called the fruit of the Spirit. The faith that He grows in us, however, is what counts as our righteousness, not our deeds. Salvation comes about through faith, and faith comes about through God’s work in our lives and our willingness to submit to His call. “It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be the heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith,” Romans 4:13.
We are each born of an earthly father, but we are also born of a spiritual one. Christianity historically speaks of multiple fathers in the life of an individual. First, there is the birth father, the person from whom we get our genetic makeup. Second, there is our heavenly Father, the One who grants us life, existence, and the ability to become His children by adoption. Finally, there is the last one, the spiritual father, the person who help to nurture our faith until it grew into a blazing fire inside of us. For me, it was my Youth Pastor who changed my life. He made God real to me, no just modeling the life led by faith, but making sure that I understood and accepted the same type life of faith as well.
In Abraham we find our ultimate spiritual father, for he was the first of us to be saved by faith in the Messiah yet to be, though he never met God face-to-face. His belief was more powerful than his doubt, his spiritual sight stronger than his physical sight, his faith stronger than his mortality. Though he was too old to have a child, still his faith made him young enough to be the father of nations. “Abraham believed in God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” May the same be said of each of us on that final day.
Questions to Consider from Romans 4:
- When have you tried to “go it alone”?
- Who was your spiritual father (or mother)? How?
- How have you seen the power of Faith in your life?
Chapter Outline: (From Jim’s Introduction to Romans)
- Righteousness illustrated (4:1-25)
i. By faith not works
ii. By faith not rites
iii. By faith not the Law
iv. By faith in God’s promise
Finish the Verses for Romans 3:
"Blessed are they whose transgressions// are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him." Romans 4:7-8
Sample Questions for Studying
Capitalized words are once-used-words
- Being fully PERSUADED that what?
- 2 Part : Blessed are they whose WHAT?
- Reference : According to Romans 4:16, he is the father of whom?
- For our sins he was what?
- Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him how?
- 3 Part : The promise comes by faith, so that it may be GUARANTEED to whom?
- To all Abraham's offspring -- not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of who?
- If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he what?
- Since he was about a HUNDRED years old, his body what?
- We have been saying what?
- Situation: Who says it? When?: "Blessed are they whose TRANSGRESSIONS are forgiven, whose sins are COVERED. . ."
- God gives life to whom?
- Reference : According to Romans 4:17, what is written?
- Faith has no value if what?
- Reference : According to Romans 4:11, he is the father of whom?
- Who had power to do what he had promised?
- WHO in hope believed?
- Reference : According to Romans 4:16, what comes by faith?
- Situation: What says it?: "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."
- Is this blessedness only for the circumcised, or also for whom?
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