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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Acts 27 Study Guide

Family Study Guide for March 15 - March 21, 2007
(Read Acts 27 Online)

Reflections on Acts 27 by Michelina Buchino, Coach

One of the things we try to work out when we’re younger is how we will present ourselves to the “world”. Do I want to be known as the girl who wears pink? Or maybe it will be black. Shall I do whatever hairstyle is in, have it always the same or not like anyone else’s ever! Do I speak and write plain English or talk in slang and write in wacky abbreviations? The guys go through the same types of decisions. How about that walk? Do I want to come across as the great athlete, computer geek, or a sensitive guy? Shall I practically live in the same jacket or have a skateboard with me wherever I go?

The hardest part in this process is when our company changes. Are we going to be the same in front of our family as our friends? Do we treat the stranger in the mall the same as our principal? There’s that oldie but goodie – at church and away from church. What about when times are bad and hard as opposed to good and fun? Yes, we’ve all faced this stuff at least once in our lives.

Acts chapter 27 is an exciting passage of scripture. Be sure to read it once just as an adventure – a tale of the sea. Learn through a captain and an owner making business decisions on the vessel and cargo. Ponder a centurion who has to maintain a jail-less prison. Carefully watch how Paul goes from being just a prisoner to someone who practically runs how the people on board respond to the crisis.

Captain and centurions do not give up control and authority easily or often. There had to be something very special about how Paul presented himself to his “world”. Whether to frightened prisoners or a military commander, Paul was honest and trustworthy. He never compromised his beliefs or faith in God but showed compassion and respect to all. He gave great encouragement but also told the hard facts. His trust in God’s promise of protection never wavered.

We waste a lot of time, effort and emotions trying to live different lives before different people. We also risk hurting our relationship with God, others and even ourselves in the attempt. Learn from Paul’s example as you mature towards a consistent Christ-like character. It is not presumptuous to strive to be like Jesus. It’s a command.

Questions to Consider
- Why do you think Julius let Paul go to his friends at Sidon?
- What gives your parents or teachers the confidence to allow you to do new and different things with less involvement by them?
- Give some examples of Paul’s faith on this trip.
- Give some examples of Paul’s practical use of knowledge.
- Why was Paul’s encouragement critical to the outcome?
- Try being an encourager this week – note the results.

Bible.Org Outline for Acts 27
F. The Voyage to Rome (27:1–28:10)
1. The Shipwreck (27:1-44)
a. Setting (27:1-12)
1) From Caesarea to Myra (27:1-5)
2) From Myra to Fair Havens in Crete (27:6-8)
b. Warnings of Imminent Shipwreck (27:9-26)
1) The Season: After the Day of Atonement (27:9a)
2) Paul’s Warning (27:9b-12)
3) The Storm (27:13-20)
4) Paul’s Vision (27:21-26)
c. The Shipwreck on Malta (27:27-44)
1) A Foiled Escape by the Sailors (27:27-32)
2) A Last Meal on Board (27:33-38)
3) The Ship Runs Aground (27:39-41)
4) All Safe Ashore (27:42-44)


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