Family Study Guide for James 5
(Read James 5 Online)
Reflections on James 5 by Matt Chesner, Coach
Anyone who has played competitive sports knows that there are some players that can not be contained for a whole game. In basketball, this is the player who can score 10 points in 3 minutes. In baseball, this is the player who can strikeout 3 times and then hit the game winning grand slam in the 9th inning. Great players are great, because you know that no matter how quiet they have been this point, you know they are just moments away from acting and showing their true prowess.
James chapter 5 addresses God as this great player in the Universe who is about to act. We must be patient until his power is shown. We are encouraged to persevere like the prophets of old (verses 10-11) in sufferings. We are also told to be careful not to judge as “the Judge is standing at the door.” (Verse 9) This judge is ready to act. And we want to be found faultless before him. Lastly, we are called to pray, praise, and consult with our elders as God is ready to act when we seek him and confess our sins.
When the God of all acts his power is great. He is able to do things that defy human logic or science. (“it did not rain for three and a half years…” verse 17) What are we missing out on because we do not wait for God show his power? No matter how quiet God seems to have been in your life lately, remember that his is just outside the door, and is ready to act.
Questions to Consider:
- When, in your life, has God suddenly acted and shown His great power?
- Why does it sometimes seem like God waits until the final moments to act?
- When have you acted instead of waiting on God, and things did not work out so well?
Chapter Outline:
IV. Witnessing to Divine Providence (4:1–5:20)
B. Specifics (4:11–5:20)
c. Warning to Wealthy Oppressors (5:1-6)
2. The Patience of Faith (5:7-12)
3. The Prayer of Faith (5:13-20)
Finish the Verses for this Chapter:
Above all, my brothers, // do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned.
James 5:12
Therefore confess your sins // to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16
My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
James 5:19-20
Sample Questions for Studying
Capitalized words are once-used-words- What if any one of you is sick?
- The Lord will raise him up why?
- The cries of whom have REACHED the ears of the Lord Almighty?
- Take whom as an example of patience in the face of suffering?
- The Judge is what?
- Whoever TURNS a sinner from what?
- The wages you failed to pay the WORKMEN who MOWED your FIELDS are what?
- In the last DAYS you have what?
- Whoever TURNS a sinner from the ERROR of his way will save him from what?
- We consider blessed whom?
- 2 Part : Again he prayed and what?
- Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other why?
- If one of you should WANDER from what?
- 2 Part : Because the Lord's coming is near, do what?
- What gave rain?
- What have REACHED the ears of the Lord Almighty?
- What has ROTTED?
- 2 Part : You rich people do what?
- Don't GRUMBLE against each other why?
- It did not rain on the land for how long?
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