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Friday, November 03, 2006

Acts Chapter 10 Study Guide

Family Study Guide for November 2 - November 8, 2006
(Read Acts 10 Online)

Reflections on Acts 10 by Michelina Buchino, Coach

In Acts 10 God again teaches us that His blessings are poured out in our obedience. More than just a lesson, the obedience here helped fulfill an old promise and crossed a threshold into a new dimension for the church. Until this time repentance unto life through Jesus as the Messiah was considered fulfilled prophecy to the Jews only.

Cornelius was not a Jew but he was God-fearing and faithful to practice what he knew about. This included helping the needy and a consistent prayer life. When Cornelius has his vision he obeys exactly as the angel says sending other men and not going himself. In his daily life he has sought God and God keeps his promise of Jeremiah 29:13 and will let Cornelius “find” Him. Such is his faith and confidence that God will bring Peter with an important message that he gathers his family and friends in time to be there when Peter arrives so they won’t miss anything.

Peter arriving in Joppa also receives a vision. But the vision and direction to eat of traditionally unclear animals is hard for Peter to accept and obey. Once again it takes Peter three times to catch the lesson. We see his behavior change as he invites the arriving men from Cornelius to be his guests. This type of association with Gentiles was against Jewish law. Peter accepts the timing of these two visions as God’s design. Perhaps he even remembers, as we have recorded in John 21, that Jesus asked him three times to feed His sheep. In any case Peter clearly states the truth that God does not show favoritism but accepts all men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. Later in the presence of Cornelius and his guests Peter tells them that this forgiveness of sins comes to everyone who believes in Jesus.

While Peter is speaking, the Holy Spirit comes on all who are listening. This time the Holy Spirit was given before they were baptized. This event confirmed that Peter’s understanding of the vision was correct and God’s will. The promise to bless all the families of the earth through Abraham’s line was fulfilled. (See Gen. 12:3 and Matt 1:1-16) The church of Jesus Christ and repentance unto eternal life included the Gentiles.

Questions to Consider
- What is Cornelius’ relationship like with God? With others?
- Why does Peter struggle with the vision’s meaning?
- How does Cornelius show his faith beyond sending the men to Joppa?
- Track the faith of each and the effects of each: Cornelius, 3 men, Peter
- What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming on them before being baptized with water? Does this still have meaning for us today?
- Was it important that some other believers came with Peter to Cornelius’s home and not just Peter?
- Have you ever been judged by someone that didn’t really know you or your circumstances? How did it feel?

Bible.Org Outline for Acts 10

2. Peter in Caesarea: With Cornelius (10:1-48)

a. Cornelius’ Vision: Send for Peter (10:1-7)

b. Peter’s Vision: Receive the Gentiles (10:8-23a)

c. Peter at Cornelius’ House (10:23b-48)
1) Setting (10:23b-27)
2) Recounting of Peter’s Vision (10:28-29a)
3) Recounting of Cornelius’ Vision (10:29b-33)
4) Peter’s Message (10:34-43)
5) The Gentiles’ Response (10:44-48)
a) Gift of the Spirit (10:44-46)
b) Water Baptism (10:47-48a)
c) Fellowship (10:48b)


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