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Friday, December 01, 2006

Acts Chapter 13 Study Guide is ONLINE

Family Study Guide for November 30 - December 6, 2006
(Read Acts 13 Online)

Reflections on Acts 13 by Matt Chesner, Coach

Ever get so excited about telling someone something that you begin your story in the middle? Have you ever been out with friends or family and been thinking about something while a different conversation is going on and started your conversation in the middle of your thoughts instead of the beginning? Some of us have gotten a Quiz Team nickname from this. (”cough...Wang...cough.” Excuse the writer, he must have a cold.) We have all done this at one time or another. What we fail to do is give context to our story or thoughts. Instead, we assume everyone knows where our train of thought has come from and where it is going.

In chapter 13 Paul is sure to bring his audience along from the beginning to the end of his argument that Jesus is the fulfillment of scripture. He gives a quick review of Jewish history and then quotes Old Testament verses that Jesus fulfilled. His audience is sure to understand his line of thought. Even if the non-gentiles there were not thrilled with the message.

Do we as Christians forget to give context when we are sharing about God with our friends? Or do we sometimes start our arguments for moral causes assuming that the person we are talking to understands our background and where we are coming from. We must remember that even when we think we are talking to those of like mind, it is a good idea to give our comments some context. Our words and message will be better understood and perhaps we will bring more people to Christ.

Questions to Consider
- When was the last time you were so excited about something that you started your story in the middle?
- Have you ever tried sharing your faith with someone, but forgot to give context to your testimony?
- How can we follow Paul's example when sharing our faith with those who don't have much Bible knowledge?

Bible.Org Outline for Acts 13
A. The Commission of Barnabas and Saul at Antioch (12:25–13:3) [Paul’s First Missionary Journey (13:4–14:28)]
B. The Mission of Barnabas and Paul In Asia Minor (13:4–14:28)
1. Cyprus (13:4-12)70
a. From Antioch to Seleucia to Cyprus (13:4)
b. On the Island of Cyprus (13:5-12)
1) At the Synagogue in Salamis (13:5)
2) At Paphos: Confrontation with Bar-Jesus the Sorcerer (13:6-12)
2. Pisidian Antioch (13:13-52)
a. From Paphos to Perga in Pamphylia: John Mark’s Departure (13:13)
b. From Perga to Pisidian Antioch (13:14a)
c. In Pisidian Antioch (13:14b-52)
1) Paul’s Message on the Sabbath (13:14b-41)
a) Setting (13:14b-15)
b) Introduction (13:16)
c) Body (13:17-37)
1] Preparation for Christ in the OT (13:17-22)
2] Proclamation of Christ to the Hearers (13:23-37)
d) Application (13:38-41)
2) Initial Jewish Response to Paul’s Message (13:42-43)
3) Later Gentile Response and Jewish Opposition to Paul’s Gospel (13:44-50)
3. South Galatia: Iconium, Lystra, Derbe (13:51–14:21a)
a. In Iconium: Jewish and Gentile Response (13:51–14:5)


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